Who's Who at St Michael's
*For baptisms, weddings, and other queries please contact the Vicar.
* If you have a query about a grave or other records, please send a message via the church email.
St Michael’s church 01745 827766
Email: stmichaelsab@btconnect.com
Brian Churchill 01745 826138
Len Ellis BEM 01745 824383
Linda Lewis 01745 354707
Sub Wardens
St Michaels
Cynthia Edwards 01745 826168
Dewi Sant
Gwen Corr 01745 822172
Church Committee Secretary
Ken Davies 01745 832407
Social Secretary
Cynthia Edwards 01745 826168
Denis Monaghan 01745 824522
Len Ellis BEM 01745 824383
Maureen Jones 01745 832613
Church Groups
Bellringers meet on Monday evenings at 7pm.
St Michael's Fellowship meet at St Michael’s church every second Tuesday of the month at 2:30pm.
T-Group is a group is a time for refreshments and conversations especially for those who are recently bereaved. They meet every second Wednesday of the month at 2pm at St Michael’s.
contact Betty Mills for more information. 01745 832633
Church yard Crew If you are able and willing, there is a very enthusiastic group of volunteers who maintain the church grounds. Contact Len Ellis if you are interested. 01745 824383