Welcome to St Michael’s website home page. We are in the process of updating the website, so please bear with us….
St Michael is a medieval church with a much loved and honoured history as well as a respected place in the community of Abergele.
Please browse through our website. These icons will welcome you on the following pages:
For contact numbers and church groups
St Michael is the patron saint of the church.
For history inside and outside the church.
Bishop Elfod gave the land to build the church in the 8th century.
For what’s going on in the parish as well as upcoming events and weekly notices
Nennius was a student of Bishop Elfod and went and preached to many surrounding areas of Abergele.
Our Mission
Our mission is to open our arms to those in search of finding meaning in the big, chaotic world. We want to share God’s love and concern for all people, and by opening our doors to listen and love, we feel that we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
People have been worshipping and praying in St Michael’s for centuries and we are honoured and privileged to be the stewards of this ancient medieval church with a strong tradition of worship and prayer for all people. Come and join us for worship or just to come and light a candle for whatever reason. At this time, the church is generally open on Friday mornings.
Services are held in St Michael’s:
Sunday Morning services are at 8:00 am and 11:00 am.
Wednesday midweek service is 10:30 am
Gwasananaeth Gymraeg – Addoliad @9:15am on the 2 and 4th Sundays.
Hwyrol weddi or Cymun Bendigaid at 5pm on the 1,3, and 5th sundays
Weekly notices and services and any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.